Using BIM for smooth installation and maintenance of plumbing systems

Perhaps the most critical area in the flawless project construction is the Mechanical, electrical, and Plumbing system. However, while mechanical and electrical systems are given a lot of attention, the plumbing systems do not always get the required attention that they deserve. This can give rise to complications or issues during on-site construction or after execution. 

Advancement in technology in the AEC industry has made it possible to simultaneously represent the different building areas digitally in the form of a 3-D parametric model referred to as BIM. While the MEP BIM modeling looks after the MEP system, the plumbing BIM modeling services look after the plumbing departments and needs of the construction site. 

In the following pages, we will specifically consider how the plumbing issues of a building can be serviced by plumbing BIM modeling services. 

Clogging and leakages in a pipe- While the buildings are healthy when newly constructed, leakages and clogging can appear as the building begins to age. Most of the leakages and clogging in the piping system remain undetected due to these systems being hidden. However, if such damages remain undetected for long, then it can result in stains or damages on walls. 

Replacing the pipe/plumbing- During refurbishments or renovation works, it might be necessary to replace the pipes, faucets, valves, etc. to prevent the occurrence of major structural damage. 

Redoing the plumbing- Due to work and other family reasons the millennial population has to relocate from one location to another. While most people give attention to the interiors while choosing a new apartment, it is also important to consider the plumbing system. Inspection of the existing plumbing system can create the need for renovation or replacement of the existing piping system. Thus, the plumbing contractor must have a rerouting plan ready for such exigencies. 

Installing and maintaining water heater- Experts are often required to plan the dual system of water heaters. As the heaters are prone to several issues, they should be subject to timely servicing and maintenance from a licensed plumber. 

Repair of washroom/toilet- As these areas are frequently used, they should be subjected to frequent maintenance and repairs. Professional plumbers are required to either install a new drainage system or carry out repairs on an existing system. 

Drain cleaning- Drains in an apartment can be clogged with oil, dirt, leftover food, etc. If not cleaned regularly, they can emit a foul smell or be subject to leakages. It is therefore required to hire an efficient technician for cleaning the drains regularly. 

Sewer lines- These lines are usually placed underground. Thus, you might often skip cleaning these lines regularly. However, it is important to service these lines on a timely basis to avoid breakage or blocking of the lines. With the help of plumbing BIM modeling services, it is however possible to check and maintain the sewage lines regularly. 

Thus, offered under the aegis of MEP BIM modeling, it is possible to offer plumbing BIM modeling services and take care of issues with the plumbing systems of a building. You too can leverage plumbing BIM modeling services for smooth execution and maintenance of the plumbing system of the project. 


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